Study Abroad Fair

SOFIA LEGASPI, Campus Life Editor |

Thirty-nine different programs were represented at the Study Abroad Fair in the Maucker Union ballroom on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

Students were able to speak with past participants, faculty and study abroad staff to learn about the different options offered through UNI, ranging from two-week faculty-led capstones to semester-long exchange programs.

“I would just say that Study Abroad can be a life-changing experience, open[ing] your mind to meeting different cultures and really putting to the test what you’re capable of,” said Ann Frenna, a staff member with the Study Abroad Center.

Fair attendees had the chance to win study abroad scholarships, participate in a photobooth and apply for or renew their passport with the Black Hawk County Recorders’ Office.

The Study Abroad Center recently moved from their office in Gilchrist Hall to a new location in 103 East Bartlett.

“We have lots of different programs available; we can find the perfect program for anyone,” Frenna said. “So we just want [students] to come and meet with us and see what’s possible.”