Top 10 tips for successful midterms
Opinion Columnist Abigail Bennethum gives her top 10 tips for a successful midterms season.
Oct 17, 2019
The dreaded season of midterms is upon us. In this season of the school year, multiple things come with it, including stress, lack of sleep and a period of time that seems like it goes on forever. Besides finals week, this period of about three-ish weeks or whenever the professors decide to test us all at once can be one of the most hectic times of the school year. Scrambling to get all the projects and papers completed, all while studying for the multiple exams that are happening one after another.
In light of this season of exams, students are inevitably going to feel overwhelmed and scrambled—here are 10 tips to destress and help prepare you.
Create a plan of study
Organize your exams and projects into a list according to what you may need to prioritize the most and how much studying is needed. In this list, you can include where to study, when to study and the content you need to focus on.
Schedule set breaks
Setting a 10-15-minute study break will give your brain a breather and provide something to look forward to while you are studying. Periodically taking breaks improves memory, retention of information and sparks new creative ideas and potential solutions.
Don’t refuge, go to the library!
Staying in your dorm or apartment causes a lot of outside distractions that can take away from the main focus of preparing for exams. One of the best resources for quiet study space is right here on campus: Rod Library!
Get plenty of sleep
We are all college students that stay up late to cram and finish assignments, but that doesn’t mean the importance of getting a good night’s rest goes away. Managing your time and blocking out a long-term resting period is beneficial for content retention and rejuvenating your body.
Eat healthy
You don’t have to change your diet up, but doing something simple can be beneficial. For example, packing a baggie of carrots or fruits to bring to the library to cure a hungry stomach.
Utilize campus resources
Whether it is peer tutoring, heading to the library or attending a study session, using these resources can help you with any content you may be struggling to learn.
Track your progress
This can be as simple as keeping a sticky note with all your to-dos and crossing each one out as you progress through the week. Keeping track will show you what you have already done and what you have left to accomplish.
Keep a positive outlook
Don’t demean yourself; tell yourself you can do this and you are going to succeed. Positive thoughts, positive outcomes!
Keep your mental health a priority
Take a break and do something that will make you smile. Do something that will give your mind a rest. Something simple could be taking a light walk, listening to music, or giving somebody a call.
Treat yourself at the end of the week
Plan a relaxing night with friends and do something fun. It could be having a movie night, going out to dinner or even going out for ice cream. Celebrate the short amount of time you have before finals.