ISSO collecting winter clothing donations

SOFIA LEGASPI, Campus Life Editor |

With the early arrival of winter in Cedar Falls, UNI community members are encouraged to clean out their closets and donate extra winter outerwear for international students.

Gently used coats, jackets, hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, boots and other winter clothing can be dropped off at ISSO in Maucker Union 113. Donations are also accepted at the Study Abroad Center in 103 East Bartlett Hall.

“Many of the students who arrive in Iowa, they are not properly prepared for the winter. They don’t know how hard the winter can be here,” said Isabela Varela, director of the International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO). “They know what is cold, but they cannot imagine or have experienced this kind of cold and how dangerous it can be.”

Aside from underestimating Iowa weather, Varela brought up the financial burden that winter attire can place on international students. While it is a burden that all students can face, she said, most other students at UNI are from the Midwest and already prepared for winter.

“A few years ago, the International Services Office started a drive asking the UNI community for any winter clothing that they don’t use — coats, gloves, boots — and are in good condition to donate them for the international students,” she said.

Additionally, Varela explained, many exchange students stay at UNI for only one semester and have no use for winter wear after leaving Iowa. In this case, donations in good condition can remain with ISSO and be utilized by future international students.

The deadline for donations is Wednesday, Nov. 20, but Varela encouraged people to continue donating even after this date since more international students will be arriving in January.