‘Sustainable Snacks’ commends crickets

SOFIA LEGASPI, Campus Life Editor | slegaspi@uni.edu

The UNI Student Nature Society hosted a “Sustainable Snacks” event featuring Iowa cricket farmer Becky Herman on Thursday, Nov. 14.

Herman discussed the sustainability of turning to crickets as a protein source instead of other common options, such as beef. She highlighted the 2,000 to 2,500 gallons of water required to process one pound of beef compared to the one or two gallons needed for one pound of cricket protein.

Additionally, audience members learned of the health benefits of crickets, which contain more calcium than whole milk, more iron than spinach and an array of other vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The talk took place in Sabin Hall, room 15 at 6 p.m. and was followed by a social at ThreeHouse. Participants were able to sample brownies and cookies made with cricket flour as well as chocolate-covered crickets and cricket tacos.