Campbell, Lawther to see changed in fall

  • As recontracting approaches the DOR decided Campbell Hall will be used for only isolation and quarantine rooms.

  • A medida que se acerca la recontrataciòn, el DOR decidió que Campbell Hall se utilizara solo para salas de aislamiento y cuarentena.

  • Triple and semi-private suites within Lawther Hall will become doubles and singles, respectively, in the fall.

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Recontracting is about to begin for the 2021-22 academic year, amidst major changes regarding residence halls for the upcoming fall semester. Campbell Hall will only be used for isolation and quarantine, and Lawther will be shifting triple suites into double suites, while semi-private suites will be converted to single rooms.

Although there is a possibility COVID-19 will not be a major issue this fall with the vaccine rollout, the Department of Residence has decided to take a more cautious approach to the upcoming fall semester.

“With contracting starting now for the fall semester, we must be prepared should we need those spaces come this fall,” said Director of Residence Life Nick Rafanello. “By making the decision now, we do not disrupt the contracting process, nor disrupt residents once they have selected a room and/or moved in and then ask them to relocate.”

Campbell Hall, located on the north side of campus, was chosen for quarantine and isolation because it currently contains the most isolation spaces. Other isolation spaces this year were housed within Noehren Hall.

“We have developed procedures that work efficiently and effectively within Campbell,” Rafanello said. “Additionally, it is centrally located to dining options and nearest to the catering kitchen in Commons (Ballrooms)where meals for students in isolation are cooked and packaged for delivery.”

No plans have been made regarding Campbell beyond the 2021-22 academic year. 

Freshman Campbell resident Samantha Davis was saddened to hear about the decision to convert Campbell into an isolation and quarantine-only dorm. 

“The community in Campbell has been really interactive, and I’ve loved the rooms and lounges,” Davis said. “It’s been especially great to be a desk assistant in Campbell and see so many of the residents each day, and I’ll miss them next year when we’re spread out in different residence halls. I was pretty disappointed when I found out I couldn’t (recontract), but I understood why Campbell would make a good place for isolation.”

Although several rooms in Lawther will be converted to single rooms, this is not a response to COVID-19, or a smaller freshman enrollment next fall. Over the past two years, there has been a growing demand from the student body for more single room options. 

“The number of new freshmen was up this year, and early indications are for another good freshmen class this fall,” Rafanello said. “However, it is too early to tell just where enrollment will be for next year. That said, we have found students increasingly interested in single room options. The past few years, we have advertised this during recontracting — for students to contract for a super single room if they would like one.”

Same room reservations begin Feb. 8, with same space roommate selection opening on Feb. 11 and priority room reservations starting Feb. 15. For more information about recontracting and on-campus housing options for the 2021-2022 academic year, visit