CMA inspires students with compliment wall

  • Students looking for a self-esteem boost can look to the CME’s compliment wall located upstairs in Maucker Union.

  • Students looking for a self-esteem boost can look to the CME’s compliment wall located upstairs in Maucker Union.

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With no spring break and midterms coming up, students may need some extra encouragement and motivation. The compliment wall within the Center for Multicultural Education (CME), started by CME student worker and English and communications major Emma Cover-Carper, may be the little pick-me-up students need.

Cover-Carper led the idea of the compliment wall and hopes it will give students the inspiration they need to carry on with their day. The wall is displayed for students on the display cases and on the whiteboard in the CME.

The wall is intended to be interactive and inspirational for students, encouraging them take a compliment written on Post-it notes. Students can then write their own compliment on provided Post-it notes to leave for someone else.

“The compliment wall was inspired by the ‘random acts of kindness’ concept,” Cover-Carper said. “I thought having compliments to not only take for yoursel but to leave for others would be a great way to allow others to do a random act of kindness while also receiving a bit of inspiration they may need for the day.”

Cover-Carper also notes the wall was inspired by Women’s History Month.

“The wall is particularly important to this month because its goal is to make compliments okay,” Cover-Carper said. “I’ve seen a few articles discussing how difficult it is to give and receive compliments, especially for women who often feel judged for their experiences and traits.”

She continued, “The goal of the compliment wall is to provide others with a little bit of inspiration to help get them through the day as well as provide a chance to do random acts of kindness for others. I know that some days I need a little bit of something to get through the day, and a compliment always helps.”