“Dream with ME” premieres its first screening
Aug 30, 2021
Many words can be said about the events of last year. From racial protests storming across the nation, fighting for a better change and a pandemic that has changed the world forever. All of the events combined make it hard for us to dream in a better light. ‘Dream with ME’ sets out to reflect on the events of last year through the voices of students and the community and it all comes together amazingly.
Directors Jim Bray and Gretta Berghammer set out to create the film that gives audience members a chance to wonder “what can I change?” and does so through the use of hip-hop theatre.
‘Dream with ME’ follows multiple characters learning to come to terms with their past experiences instead of running away from. These characters all share their stories through spoken word performances, along with some hip-hop dancing, that layout everything that person has gone through but also highlights what their dream is. Each actor delivers a powerful performance that really captures the audience. Performers share these raw and emotional stories that nearly anyone can relate to.
I was curious from the very start how the use of hip-hop was going to be used during this film. Bray and Berghammer did what I wasn’t expecting and made the hip-hop elements flow so well together. In between each story are well choreographed dances set to melodic jazz or powerful hip-hop beats that help refresh the audience for the next story. The performers put on incredible dance routines throughout the film and it feels like the dances are telling another story on their own.
This film also includes a mini docu-series that includes members of the community sharing what their dream is. These interviews compliment the entire film since the members of the community advocate for change much like the rest of the performers. The pacing is never disrupted from these standalone interviews because they are placed so perfectly in the film.
Each spoken word performance really feels as if you are in the performer’s shoes, meanwhile set design, costumes, and music all enhance that experience. Every performer took my breath away. Before every character is introduced we see them running away from the chaos going on in the background, the chaos I’m assuming being 2020 itself. We then literally jump into the mind of these performers that lets us see where they came from and what dream they are working towards. Performers cover a range of themes such as mental illness, systematic racism, and societal expectations are all covered and never feel out of place. When Cedar Rapids resident, Ruby, came on screen and said “My dream is to create change in the world, change perspectives, change ideas, reinvent systems” that sent chills down my spine.
‘Dream with ME’ is an exemplary story on what divides us and also what brings us together. Besides the relatable stories given by the actors I think this film will capture audiences on the hip-hop elements alone. With hip-hop dominating the music industry Bray and Berghammer made the right choice going with hip-hop theatre since it is the music choice most people can relate to. If possible, enjoy this film on a bigger screen to get the full experience. From the music touching your soul, complemented by the stellar spoken word performances, makes this film deserving to be everyone’s watchlist.
Overall: 4.5/5
samuel Lamar • Jan 1, 2022 at 10:16 am
Happy new year. I just read your article regarding dream with me. It was well done , inspiring. continue to pursue your dreams. Take care . with love grandpa. Sam.