Voices boomed from the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Art Center’s Great Hall Monday, April 20, as the University of Northern Iowa’s Men’s Varsity Glee Club performed their spring concert and Spotlight Series.
Directed by John Len Wiles, the event started with some old favorites of the Glee Club. The peaceful “Ave Maria,” by Franz Bieble featured a couple of soloists, one of which was Michael Gookin, junior music education major.
“I thought it [the concert] went really well,” Gookin said. “We really worked hard putting it together, and it turned out to be a great night.”
Gookin also highlighted that the seniors of the Glee Club “paved the way” for the newer members, and he thanked them for that.
The next musical selections of the concert were arranged by Alice Parker, who visited UNI a few weeks ago. The Glee Club performed Parker’s “Avenging the Bright,” and the bouncy, booming, “Whup Jamboree.”
After Parker’s pieces, a group of Glee Club members stepped down and formed a smaller ensemble called Camerata, led by senior Glee Club member, Colby Campbell, senior music and studies major.
Camerata performed a song entitled, “My Lord, What a Mornin.” The smiles and cheers from the audience finished off their song.
After the Glee Club regrouped, the last song of the first half was performed. A quick explanation and reading of “The Ballade of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard” was given and later performed in its musical form. It was performed in a musical theatre style with rhythmic breaks and off-beat chanting.
The second half of the show began with Jess Monnier, a senior music performance major and accompanist for the Glee Club, playing a solo piece, “Hungarian Rhapsody No. 9 ‘Carnival in Pest.’” After she completed, the audience stood up and applauded as the Glee Club reentered the stage.
Former members of the Glee Club were invited to the stage to sing, “Brothers, Sing On!,” a song encompassing the spirit of the Men’s Glee Club’s mission in music.
The program ended with more upbeat musical numbers, such as “Cecilia” by Simon and Garfunkel, arranged by Deke Sharon, and “Madeline.”
The concert ended with a musical salute to the senior members of the Glee Club as they sang, “Sing Your Way Home.”
After the concert, Annette Campbell, mother of one of the Glee Club members, commented on the brotherhood of the Glee Club.
“There’s more to college than your degree here…and [senior members need to] keep those friendships no matter what corner of the globe you end up in, no matter what profession you end up in, these are pretty special relationships.”
Monday’s UNI Men’s Varsity Glee Club Show may have been the last performance for some, but it is just the beginning for others.