The first week of campaign season has ended, and now I’ve been handed the list of Senate candidates who will be on the ballot for the NISG Elections on Feb. 24 and 25 on MyUNIverse. Justice/Commish Davis has provided me with the applications and essays for each candidate, which I will throw up online when I review the candidates.
If you didn’t make it on the ballot, be it for Senate (or President), remember you can still run a write-in campaign! As there are more seats available than there are candidates for some colleges, write-in candidates will win seats in Senate, provided they get at least 5 votes.
Also, there’s been quite a bit of buzz, both negative and positive, in response to the guest blog post by sitting VP Paul Andersen and former VP Blake Findley. I understand that the post was quite negative in many respects, and doesn’t contribute to a positive atmosphere surrounding student government.
In particular, some feel that it was wrong to air these concerns publicly without bringing them up to the candidates in private to address on their own.
To remedy this, I’ve invited both campaigns to respond to the comments in the post, which I will publish on the blog ASAP. I feel it’s important to have frank discussion out in the open, and it would not be fair to bar the candidates a proper forum to respond.
Moreover, I want to make a broader comment about contributions to the blog. As I see it, this blog is useful only when the candidates and voters engage with it. By all means, I am happy to publish guest posts from anyone at UNI who has something to say. I can’t be everywhere and I don’t see everything, I’m at the mercy of my lone perspective. If you’ve got an opinion, there’s space on this blog for you.
Before I set this aside for now, I’ll re-print comments made by Senator Aaron Friel who shared his concerns via social media and through his campaign page, For Real Senate. It’s my understanding that Friel has formed a coalition of Senate candidates to advance a common platform.
“A word from Friel: Is this the ramblings of a has-been and soon-to-be lame duck, or #StudentsHurtingStudents?
A fuller response to this article is pending, but let it be known: For Real Senate stands for supporting and pushing NISG to be better, not tearing down candidates and misconstruing their platforms. At least in this author’s eyes, this blog post was irresponsible and posting it as is without consulting Jared & Tanner for UNI or Katie and Renae for UNI seems to be out of a desire to sling mud and tarnish NISG’s reputation.
Why do that when you’re the face of NISG, Kevin and Paul: Students for Students, Tom and Blake for UNI Students?
Let’s build something better on a platform of giving support and constructive criticism, not out of a desire to give snark and witticism.
Aaron Friel,
For Real Senate”
I think that Friel has a point, and I’m excited to interview him and review his platform. It is essential to NISG to have engaged Senators, and Friel is a prime example.
Now to the Senate Candidates:
College of Business (4 seats):
Weston Hinton
Danielle Massey
College of Education(4 seats):
Anna Kron
Rachael Johnson
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 seats):
Parker Bennet
Heather Applegate
Gabriella Ruggiero
College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences (6 seats):
Aaron Friel
Abbie Shew
Rachel Larsen
Maddie O’Donnell
Katie Upah
Graduate College (3 seats):
Deciding( 1 seat):
Sarah Hofmeyer
Meanwhile, everybody should start getting excited about the NISG Debate to be held in the main area of the Union Tuesday, Feb. 17 from 6-8p.m. Commish Davis told me that the first 40 minutes are for the Senate candidates, with the remainder of the time going for the Presidential Tickets. I expect the candidates to push attendance for a good showing at the debate.
Tuesday’s election debate is open to the public and are encouraged to attend.