In my four years at UNI, I have had some really amazing professors. Many of which I will be very sad to say goodbye to when I graduate, as I have felt that their teaching style has meshed with my own thinking processes or have challenged how I conquer theories, critical thinking, perspectives, etc. A majority of these professors have been tenured because they have crafted their teaching through many, many years of hard work. They have a better understanding of what students need in a classroom, how they can most effectively teach a unit or subject matter and they know how to engage students’ learning.
However, non-tenured professors, who are usually new to the faculty have different perspectives on how to teach a class. They have come from different universities and institutions and often have unique teaching methods transferred from their previous experiences.
For the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in Departmental Programs, only tenured professors and tenure-track faculty are eligible for the award, but I very much wish that we could nominate non-tenured professors as well.
Many of these non-tenured professors have been more influential and helpful in my learning and growth process than tenured professors, as they have incorporated new teaching techniques and in-class activities that have been more interesting and conducive to my learning, but as the current rules for nominating professors stands, they are not eligible for the award, and I really want this to change.
By allowing non-tenured professors to be nominated for this award, everyone on the faculty would be eligible.
There are so many influential professors that deserve credit on UNI’s campus, and since students only are allowed to nominate someone, the winner, no matter if they are tenured or non-tenured would know that they are positively influencing their students.