Netflix original show “Love is Blind,” its sixth season has taken the internet by storm with the airing of the reunion. The general premise of the show is for singles who are looking to marry and meet other singles with a wall between them. They date within the selected pool, and eventually choose someone to get engaged to, all without seeing them. Only after they get engaged do they meet face-to-face. The collection of newly engaged couples then go on vacation for a week, and return home to live together. At the end of the month, they go to the altar to decide if they will legally get married.
This season features a cast that hails from North Carolina. The cast’s scandals have unraveled week after week as Netflix released the season in blocks. Chelsea’s Megan Fox comparison went viral on TikTok, and Laura telling her fiancee to “kick rocks in open toed shoes” has taken over X, formerly known as Twitter.
The biggest scandals range from a location sharing/cheating scandal that ended in Sarah Ann accusing multiple women on the show of being “pick me girls,” and Trevor having a girlfriend on the outside. While not everyone is out of their mind, the latest reunion is laced with delusion, stupidity, insanity and gags.
Most Delusional – Sarah Ann
Sarah Ann, Jeramey’s current girlfriend and second choice in the pods, goes on a rampage in a prom dress at the finale. For someone who was a second choice, it’s incredibly bold to accuse other women who were actually chosen of being “pick me girls.”
Biggest Gag – Trevor’s Girlfriend
It’s revealed during the reunion that Trevor actually had a girlfriend he was in consistent communication with directly before and after the show — even claiming he was going to marry her. Trevor has the biggest choke of the night, walking out of the reunion with his tail between the legs of his severely untailored pants.
Biggest “Ugh..” – A.D went out with Matthew
While A.D ended up getting engaged to Clay, in the pods sparks flew between her and Matthew. That was, until she found out he was telling other women in the pods the same things he was telling her. After Clay said no at the altar, A.D went out with Matthew on “a couple dates.” One would wonder if he went on “a couple dates” with the other woman, too?
Biggest “Duh..?” – Chelsea and Jimmy remain split
One of the most toxic couples on the show, Chelsea and Jimmy, remain in splitsville upon the reunion. Which … yeah. This is one of the only things to come out of the reunion that actually make sense. They’re so incompatible and so forced it was uncomfortable to watch.
Reunion MVP(s) – Jess and the Lachey’s
The Lachey’s must have taken a class from Andy Cohen. The amount of receipts, confrontation and addressing what people actually want to see is amazing growth from past seasons. They can keep their jobs as hosts –- for now.
“Actually, I took you out of the groupchat.” Jess’s straightforward, no-BS takes made the reunion more watchable. Jess gives the context and the facts, and she’s arguably the most level-headed person on the couch. Jess made this reunion her own.
This is the best “Love is Blind” reunion to date. Everyone’s a little crazy, the Lachey’s are messy and the receipts are gag worthy. You can catch the latest season in its entirety on Netflix.