I never thought I’d have to write this piece. It’s been nearly four years since I first started working for the Northern Iowan, and I could have never imagined that I’d end up where I am now, saying my goodbyes to the organization that I’ve proudly been a part of my entire college career at UNI.
I was a student journalist in high school, being one of three students in our school’s first journalism class. I worked on our online newspaper, the Orbit, until I graduated in May 2021. My career as a student journalist was at a sort of standstill until a few months into my first semester at UNI.
Sometime in late 2021, I remember one of my professors, Professor Julie Husband, reaching out to the Northern Iowan to recommend me for the copy editor position my freshman year. She told me that it would be a great opportunity to enhance my skills as an editor and writer. I needed a job, and what better job for an English major than becoming a copy editor? I remember getting lost in the lower level of Maucker Union — I hadn’t spent much time in Maucker aside from using the tunnel to Lang Hall — and finally finding myself at the doors of the Northern Iowan, just in time for my interview. I met the staff, and was slightly intimidated; everyone was deep in their work, and I wondered to myself about how on Earth I was going to fit in if I even got the job.
I don’t think I ever needed to worry. My first semester as copy editor at the beginning of 2022 brought me friendships and bonds that I never would have had if I had not branched out and taken the opportunity given to me. During my time with the 2021-22 editorial staff, I learned so much about the campus, its history, and kept myself surrounded by people who were dedicated to giving the UNI and Cedar Valley community authentic and well-crafted student journalism. I was able to travel outside of the Midwest for the first time in my 19 years of life — all the way to California no less! It was one of the most memorable trips I’ve taken to date, and I’m forever grateful that my first endeavor outside the Midwest was with the amazing editorial staff that year.

Sophomore year was full of learning experiences and new opportunities. I was able to have a full year as copy editor, and during that time I was also able to become more involved in creating the newspaper. I began to learn InDesign on my own (a strenuous and painful task) and with the encouragement of the editorial staff, I applied for the position of managing editor for the 2023-2024 academic year.
I’m incredibly thankful for my junior year. It was filled with plenty of hardships, both personally and academically, but I had the most amazing experience becoming managing editor for the Northern Iowan. The position really helped spark my passion for visual communication and storytelling through multimedia journalism. Managing the website was my biggest project, and though I’m sad to part ways with it, I know for sure that it will be in good hands.
I want to thank the editorial staff from my freshman and sophomore years for being there to guide me through my first few semesters with the Northern Iowan. I don’t know where I would be without everyone’s leadership and friendship. My junior year editorial staff: thank you for encouraging me as I took on the role of managing editor. I sincerely appreciate all of the hard work and dedication you all had for the paper.
This last semester has been an incredible experience, and I’m still in awe of the people that I work with, and the talents they bring to the Northern Iowan.
Bailey, I know for a fact that you are destined to do amazing things in your future. You’ve been such a kind, fun and very efficient executive editor — and I know wherever you go that you’ll be the hardest working one there! I’m so grateful to have been able to work alongside you this semester.
Jo, you’ve brought so much liveliness and fun to this office! You have such a dedication to this paper, and even when we have slow content days, you always figure things out with a smile. I’ll miss your laughter and keen eye for decorating our office.
Luis, I can’t express how thankful I am for your collaboration and passion for continuing the N.I. en español! You’ve been so great to work with, and I’m so glad that you’ve built up a team of dedicated Spanish writers and translators to further expand the Spanish content our paper creates. The Northern Iowan is so lucky to have such a dedicated Spanish editor!
Cohen, I am sincerely going to miss the vibe you bring to the office. As I’m writing this, you’re playing some obscure Christmas song, and everyone is complaining about it. Never change. Seriously though, your commitment to the sports section is amazing, and I know you’ll continue to do great work as sports editor.
Antonia, words can’t describe how grateful I am for you! You have done so much as copy editor for this paper, spending late nights going over last-last minute edits, and really making sure that our paper is the best it can be. I know the paper is in good hands with you!
Maci, though we haven’t had a lot of time together, I know that you have an incredible talent for photography, and I know that you will continue to showcase that talent as head photographer!
To Estelle, who is stepping up to become the digital editor — never doubt yourself. This position requires a lot of time, effort, and late nights, but if there’s anyone who can take on that challenge, it’s you. From the time you started here as a writer to now, you’ve shown exponential growth and a real knack for designing and really improving our paper. I have no doubt that you will do amazing things for the Northern Iowan.
Finally, to Chris and Anelia, you have been such great guiding figures throughout my time here at UNI and with the Northern Iowan. I’m so thankful to have been a part of this organization and serve the Panther community alongside the editors and staff. The two of you have given me so much encouragement, and I will be forever grateful for everything you have taught me.
I am so grateful to have been able to serve as managing editor for these past two academic years, and to have been a part of the Northern Iowan for nearly four years. My experiences here are so precious, and I will forever carry them with me as I begin my next chapter after I graduate this month.
Much love, and go cats —
Sophie Hoffmeier
Managing Editor