Alli Webster, a third-year public relations and political science major, is running for Northern Iowa’s student body president.Webster has experience in student government, as she currently serves as the director of governmental relations for NISG for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Gabriel Salazar, Webster’s running mate for student body vice president, is also a third-year student. Salazar is currently studying digital media production and political Communication, and serves as NISG’s College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences senator for the 2024-2025 academic year.
“For Panthers, By Panthers” is the slogan that Webster and Salazer base their campaign on. According to their Instagram, their platform is, “built around student concerns, needs, and important continuity.”
Webster and Salazar are dedicated to connecting the student body, especially first-year and transfer students, to various resources and opportunities across campus as well as creating a sense of community.
For more information on the “For Panthers, By Panthers” campaign, visit their Instagram page @alliandgabriel4panthers.