Why is Donald Trump ‘inconvenienced’ by political correctness?
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump stops to give an autograph after speaking to supporters aboard the USS Iowa battleship in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015. (Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
Sep 28, 2015
While the last thing I want to do at this point is bring more undeserved attention to Donald Trump and the nonsense that seems to constantly spew from his mouth, I would like to rectify the gross remarks that have, for some reason, resonated with a certain population in the United States.
For the most part, I’d say I have been successful in ignoring the very sexist, racist and xenophobic remarks made by this man, but there is one fundamental idea of his that I cannot shake: the idea that he does not “frankly have time for total political correctness.” Because speaking in a politically correct manner must be some sort of terrible inconvenience.
For those that are unaware, by speaking “politically correct” he means speaking in a way that is respectful and not insulting to people. The phrase “politically correct” has taken on a new meaning and is used as a line of attack when a person is bothered by having to alter their hate speech in order to keep from verbally abusing disadvantaged minorities.
For me, the most troublesome result of him making this statement is that his supporters actually believe that mentality is acceptable. All hail Prophet Trump.
You know what is not an inconvenience? Speaking in a way that doesn’t insult a person based on an aspect of who they are, whether Mexican, Muslim or a woman (each of whom Trump has insulted directly). It certainly is not difficult, for me, to be mindful of the way I speak in order to dignify and respect marginalized groups of people.
It isn’t inconvenient to be aware of phrases, topics and names that work to discriminate and stereotype a specific target group. And it isn’t difficult to choose to speak in a way that is inclusive and compassionate, rather than insensitive and ignorant.
And to set two things straight: being offended by another person’s asinine remarks is not a matter of being thin-skinned. Contrary to what Trump supporters claim, it is okay to be offended when another person insensitively addresses something you may identify with.
Second, just to be clear, Trump is not “saying what we are all thinking.” I, for one, am not thinking that Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists. I also do not agree that the United States’ problem is Muslims, and I certainly wouldn’t allow a remark like that to pass in a conversation.
We can thank political correctness for the intolerance of the use of words like n—-r, f—-t and r—-d, to name a few.
Or, I guess, maybe the people that have an issue with political correctness would like to revert to times when these slurs were acceptable to use — ah, those “good ole days.”
Please, let’s “Make America great again.”