

What better way is there to get into the Halloween spirit than shooting zombies and eating your weight in caramel apples?

On Thursday, the Campus Activities Board and the Veterans Association teamed up to host their first ever CABtoberfest in the Union. The event had pumpkin and face mask painting, zombie laser tag, a scavenger hunt, mini games and lots of snacks, including create-your-own caramel apples. The event was open to any and all UNI community members to celebrate the Halloween season.

“CAB just likes celebrating the seasons,” said entertainment executive of CAB and senior and human resources major, Rachel Dole. “We will probably have Halloween events like this one for years to come.”

One of the most popular events of the night was the zombie laser tag. It was provided by the Veterans Association, who teamed up with Hick’s Place in Cedar Falls.

Jenni Stevenson, owner of Hick’s Place, shared how much she enjoys working with the Veterans Association for events like this.

“We love working with our veterans and like to do whatever we can to help out,” said Stevenson.

The ladies from Capri College beauty school came to help with the zombie makeup. Freshman elementary education major, Emma Cox, spoke fondly of the makeup work done.

“The makeup was really good,” Cox said. “It looked so real.”

In addition, there was a wide variety of mini-games throughout the night for students to participate in, including: “Mummy Wrap Wars,” “Musical Chairs,” “Candy Corn Races,” “Guess That Creepy Sound,” “Halloween Movie Trivia” and “Ball-Cup Toss.”

Students were also lined up to decorate pumpkins and face masks. Freshman elementary education major, Libby Smith, had a blast decorating her mask.

“Besides getting paint everywhere, it was really fun,” said Smith. “Painting is such a great way to express yourself.”

Along with all of these events, free snacks and food were provided, including: sodas, bottled water, caramel apples, chocolate pudding and a large assortments of candy.

“Who doesn’t like free candy and food?” Cox said.

Sophomore interactive digital studies major and active CAB board member, Tim Scheve,  made the case for students to attend CAB events.

“These kinds of events bond people together,” Scheve said. “UNI isn’t just about studying all the time, it’s also about getting caramel apple wasted once in awhile.”

Although no dates are set yet, there is the possibility of CAB hosting more holiday events for Thanksgiving or Christmas.