So the mosh pit begins
Barikor says back to school can feel like being thrown into the caverns of punk rock fandom: the mosh pit. The ever-increasing weight of assignments can make a student feel like they’re down in the trenches
Aug 29, 2016
With the school year in full swing, I couldn’t help but think about how much I wish I was at a music festival instead.
Not everyone may share my same sentiment, but my friends and I spent most of the summer trying to get to every show we could fit in between work and weddings. The hard rock festival experience is my favorite obsession.
But the college experience actually does fit the narrative of a hard rock festival experience, with some thought. We all pay for tickets, and figuring out how food and living situations adds to our final total. And although the closing act on the final day involves us taking the final stage, we experience most of everything else in the crowd.
Already this school year, my professors have once again colluded together to assign all their reading assignments on the same nights and tests within the same week. This becomes the part in the show that really separates audience – this is the mosh pit.
For those unfamiliar with the term “mosh pit” the Merriam-Webster dictionary has this simple definition: “An area in front of a stage where very physical and rough dancing takes place at a rock concert.”
In this sense, I’d define the mosh pit as the time during the school year when the assignments have piled up and the test dates have already been set. The ice breaker activities lasted all of five minutes, and now the time for group projects and papers is underway.
The pushing and shoving of other fellow concert-goers becomes the pushing off of responsibilities and shoving off deadlines to the last minute. The kicking and thrashing frenzy is more of a feeling that occurs around mid-terms and finals, but, depending on your major, it may have started already.
It has for one of my friend’s and I can’t say I didn’t laugh at her predicament. Some say misery loves company, but in my case, misery doesn’t want company as much as it wants to know if someone else is slightly more miserable. Or maybe that’s just me.
But like I said, the audience has separated. Every so often you notice one of those students during finals time who doesn’t seem nearly as worried as you. They’re those people out back by the lawn chairs or maintaining their position front and center at the barricade. They’ve got the same amount of coursework, yet they manage it like pros.
Now some people choose to jump in the pit. Just about everyone involved in any campus activities most likely can be found there as the juggling of time and responsibilities begins. Students who work or maintain any number of other responsibilities outside of campus are under that pressure too.
But whether you’re in the pit or in the lounge chairs, the show goes on. What is most important is that you remember to stay hydrated and don’t push yourself too far. It’s okay to take a break from the flashing lights and noise. There’s also no shame in going to the first-aid tent if need be, and utilizing the resources in the student health center for physical and mental well being. That’s what they’re there for.
The college experience is meant to leave you something rock festivals just can’t. That’s the skills and knowledge to thrive in the professional world, so you can afford to go to all the rock festivals you want. So rage on, and remember: it’s worth it.