Maggie Miller and Danielle Massey
Feb 20, 2017
NISG voting begins Tuesday
Being the president and vice president of the student body is no simple task.
These positions aren’t simply about leadership, and they certainly are not about popularity. These positions are a job. They’re jobs that are hard, and take an immense amount of knowledge and effort every single day.
They aren’t glamorous. They’re staying up till 3 a.m. and drafting responses to all 47 emails you got that day, and then starting your homework.
No candidates are more familiar with these jobs than Danielle Massey and myself. The answer to the question “Why Miller & Massey?” can be summed up into one word: experience. Students should vote for us because these positions are jobs and we fit all of the qualifications.
Danielle and I have years of experience advocating for students, and we understand that being in these jobs means we don’t do what we want — we do what the students need.
We have the experience working with those who will implement the change this university needs.
Danielle has experience working with student organizations and helping them reach their full potential.
I have experience working with legislators on both sides of the aisle, all who want to know more about how special UNI is so we can begin to grow as an institution.
We have experience working as a team, and communicating when we disagree, or when we are upset. Danielle and I know what these jobs are about, and we know exactly what needs to be done once we are elected. There will be no learning curve, and we will begin to serve you on day one in office.
We know our goals are lofty, but isn’t that what leadership is about? Mark Yarnell once said, “A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible.”
Our goals serve to challenge this university, and if there is no challenge, we cannot expect it to grow. This Feb. 21 and 22, vote Miller & Massey, and allow Danielle and I to team up for you and show you just how much is possible at the University of Northern Iowa.
Panthers for Life,
-Maggie Miller and Danielle Massey