Empathy, not blame needed
Opinion columnist Abbi Cobb examines the increasingly common trend of child deaths by vehicular hyperthermia.
Aug 28, 2017
Last week in Mason, Ohio, a 15-month-old was found dead in a vehicle after the mother mistakenly left the child inside while she went to work.
According to Kids and Cars, an organization devoted to research and increasing awareness of this issue, this was the 30th child to die in a hot car this year. At this rate, the US is on track to experience the most fatalities in a year in nearly a decade.
There are year-to-year fluctuations in total number of child deaths by vehicular hyperthermia, but since the early 1990s the general trend has been increasing.
It’s an excruciatingly preventable occurrence. But contrary to popular belief, in most instances this isn’t an indication of bad parenting or inherent moral decay.
The nature of this tragedy is widely misunderstood. In conversation and on social media, I have encountered several individuals that claim that they could never forget their child in a car. This is usually followed by comments similar to “because I’m not a bad parent”.
This mentality is dangerous and arguably the reason that an average of nearly 40 children continue to die this way in the US every year. When individuals attribute the problem to bad parenting, it is easy to write off the possibility of it happening to them or those close to them, which is painfully out of touch with the reality of these cases.
The stories are all very similar. As explained in a Pulitzer Prize-winning article by journalist Gene Weingarten, it usually happens to otherwise attentive, loving parents on days when their routines are disrupted or their minds are distracted.
While inexcusable and horribly painful, people forget. All people forget. Discussed in the same article by Weingarten are demographics of the parents that have unintentionally left their children to die in a hot vehicle.
It’s dad and it’s moms. It’s wealthy individuals and it’s poor individuals. These parents have been social workers, police officers, military members, Protestant clergymen, dentists, construction workers, school principals and rocket scientists.
These cases are preventable, but only to the extent that people realize and acknowledge the fallibility of human memory and that anyone is susceptible to its unanticipated and sometimes tragic consequences.
However, considering the general upward trend in this category of causes of death among children, it’s apparent and important to understand that this is not only biological. It is many factors – social and psychological side-effects of post-modern societies that are full of overwhelmed and distracted people.
Slight alterations in routine have serious effects on overall mental clarity, including memory’s priorities. Also important is the non-coincidental fact that these cases began to rise after legislation deemed it unsafe to place car seats in the front passenger seat.
To make matters worse (in terms of forgetfulness), certain car seats now need to be facing the rear of the vehicle. These children are frankly out of sight and out of mind more often than most would like to admit.
This isn’t an argument that these laws should no longer be. It’s an argument that our unreliable memories haven’t been served by the legislation.
Perhaps instead of destructively shaming parents that make an unfathomable, yet classically human error, focus could be shifted to understanding why it’s happening more and more often and how instances like these can be prevented – how children and parents alike can be relieved of the potential of this experience.
Empathy goes a long way in both theory and practice. Without it, though, we’re looking at more years of denial and boiling down a very real problem to “bad parenting,” and consequently allowing children to die because of it.
Sam • Aug 29, 2017 at 8:53 pm
Kathryn Becker • Aug 28, 2017 at 5:12 pm
So true, and NOBODY is really safe from this error. My children were pre-airbags and were always in the front seat with me. My grandchildren are not and it takes extra care to counter-act changes in schedules that can lead to tragedy. Believe me, bad parenting has nothing to do with it and even parents who worry and work to avoid this can still be victims.
Janette Fennell • Aug 28, 2017 at 2:14 pm
This is an EXCELLENT article that brings the facts together with the truth!
There is SCIENCE that supports how and why these tragedies continue to happen. Please take a minute to read the article entitled,
“An epidemic of children dying in hot cars: a tragedy that can be prevented” by Dr. David Diamond.
Following the safety tips below is one way to make sure your children will not perish in a hot car.
“Look Before You Lock” ‐ Get in the habit of always opening the back door to check the back seat before leaving
your vehicle. Make sure no child has been left behind.
Create a reminder to check the back seat.
Put something you’ll need like your cell phone, handbag, employee ID or brief case, etc., in the back seat
so that you have to open the back door to retrieve that item every time you park.
Keep a large stuffed animal in the child’s car seat. When the child is placed in the car seat, place the
stuffed animal in the front passenger seat. It’s a visual reminder that the child is in the back seat.
Make sure you have a strict policy in place with your childcare provider about daycare drop‐off. Everyone
involved in the care of your child should always be aware of their whereabouts. If your child will not be
attending daycare as scheduled, it is the parent’s responsibility to call and inform the childcare provider. If your
child does not show up as scheduled; and they have not received a call from the parent, the childcare provider
pledges to contact you immediately to ensure the safety of your child. (this is very similar to the ‘absence‐line’
used by most elementary, middle and high schools)
Keep vehicles locked at all times, even in driveways or garages. Ask home visitors, child care providers and
neighbors to do the same.
Keep car keys and remote openers out of reach of children.
Never leave children alone in or around cars; not even for a minute.
If a child goes missing, immediately check the inside passenger compartments and trunks of all vehicles in the
area very carefully, even if they are locked. A child may lock the car doors after entering a vehicle on their own,
but may not be able to unlock them.