Should baseball’s regular season be shortened?
Late winter weather in the Midwest has forced several games to be postponed to later dates in the season. With the high number of rescheduled games, it raises the question, do we play too much baseball?
Apr 26, 2018
As the MLB season gets underway, there is a new debate amongst players and fans alike.
Cubs first basemen Anthony Rizzo said last week, “We play too much baseball.” Rizzo stated he would be happy to take a pay cut if it meant playing less baseball. Many fellow players and fans agree with Rizzo, including myself.
The baseball season is currently a lengthy 162 games. To watch all of these games, fans need an insane amount of time and resources.
I think the season should be shortened at least 42 games down to around 120 games. This would make baseball less repetitive and provide players more of a break between games.
Currently, players often play three or more games a week, which gives them little time for anything outside of baseball during the season.
This, coupled with spring training, gives baseball a small offseason.
I believe that a shorter season for baseball would bring more enjoyment to the fans that watch baseball and a more enjoyable climate for those who play baseball.
To answer the question, “Do we need a shorter season? Do we play too much baseball?” I think the answer is a resounding yes.