As voting drew to a close today, the Northern Iowan Student Government shifted the announcement of the election results online due to the university reducing operations campus-wide. At 7 p.m., Alli Webster...
Alli Webster, a third-year public relations and political science major, is running for Northern Iowa’s student body president. Webster has experience in student government, as she currently serves as...
Evan Winter, a fourth-year finance and accounting student, is running for Northern Iowa’s student government president. He will be pursuing his master’s degree in accounting at UNI during his potential...
Alli Webster and Evan Winter, candidates for student body president, debated alongside their respective student body vice president candidates, Gabriel Salazar and Cooper Messina, over topics like outreach...
On behalf of the Northern Iowa Student Government, we are happy to welcome Panthers old and new! As your student leaders, we wanted to take the time to welcome you to your home away from home. We are so...
In the heart of the Panther Den located on the plaza floor of Maucker, Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) members mingled with students, UNI administrators, city council members and community...
El jueves en la mañana, el gabinete superior del Gobierno Estudiantil del Norte de Iowa (NISG por sus siglas en inglés) ofreció escuchar a los estudiantes y al mismo tiempo les brindó un sabroso golosina...
Thursday morning, Northern Iowa Student Government’s Upper Cabinet offered a listening ear for students while also providing a tasty treat in between classes. They set up a table outside of Maucker Union...
Welcome back Panthers! On behalf of the Northern Iowa Student Government, we are happy to see you all back in classes – whether you are taking them online or in person. If you are new here, welcome to...
Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger were elected student body president and vice president. Sam Caughron was elected as senator for CSBS, Trevor Meyer was elected as senator for CSBS, and James Carolous...
Meet the candidates for student body president and vice president
NISG presidential running mates Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger have a vision for the future of UNI: belonging and accessibility...
Ten bills and resolutions passed, 1 denied; new at-large senator confirmed
Welcoming in the month of December, the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)descended on the University Room of Maucker...