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The student news site of the University of Northern Iowa

Northern Iowan

The student news site of the University of Northern Iowa

Northern Iowan

The student news site of the University of Northern Iowa

Northern Iowan

All content by JACK AVE
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the consequences the earth will face if people, especially government officials, continue to deny the existence of climate change as a result of human behavior.

3 key points from climate report

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Nov 29, 2018
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the recent recounts in Georgia and the importance of making sure every ballot is counted.

We must count every ballot

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Nov 15, 2018
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the recent murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and the U.S. needs to learn from this incident.

The disappearance of Khashoggi

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Oct 25, 2018
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the societal trivialization of female pain, and how this damages women's believability in serious situations.

Why we must believe women

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Oct 4, 2018
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the recent hearing of Christine Blasey Ford, who allegated that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the summer of 1982.

Is Kavanaugh the right choice?

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Oct 1, 2018
Opinion columnist Jack Ave discusses the recent sexual assault allegation toward Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Senate must postpone hearing

JACK AVE, Opinion Columnist
Sep 20, 2018
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